WE'VE MOVED!🎉 Visit our brand-new store in St. Albans at Christopher Place, now open!
Walter the Whale
Regular price1,086.00TL
Tax included.
BigStuffed is a cool soft toy brand based in Paris with iconic stuffed animals that have now been transformed into natural rubber bath toys! The brand created in 2014 by Dana Muskat, has an international presence in worldwide stores and has collaborated with brands such as, Jacquemus, Bonpoint & the Animals Observatory. Handcrafted from natural rubber & designed with no holes, these 3 marine-inspired toys are bacteria-free & completely safe for playtime. Perfect for little ones to explore the wonders of the bathtub!
Bambinista is relocating to St. Albans, with our new store opening in Fall 2024! In the meantime, our online store is open as usual. Subscribe below for updates, news, and events at our new location.