The Shnuggle Squishy Changing Mat can be used as a standalone change mat anywhere around the home as well as being used on most standard changing tables. Made from a premium foam, warmer against their skin than standard change mats and providing a much more comfortable change time for baby. The gentle incline, raises baby’s head slightly helping to ease colic and reflux particularly after baby has been fed. The hygienic, wipe-clean surface has no areas for dirt to gather and can be easily washed between uses.
Premium material warm against baby’s skin
The baby safe premium foam is comfy and warm against baby’s skin
Gentle elevation to ease colic and reflux
Elevating baby’s head slightly can help ease the symptoms of colic and reflux particularly if changing straight after a feed.
Great for tummy time and baby massage
The gentle elevation of the Squishy Changing Mat can help with tummy time and encourages more eye contact during baby massage.
Key Features:
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